OSCE -60 year old female with complaints of vomitings,pain abdomen since 10 days

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.
This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.                                                                                     

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan

Chief complaints-
60 year old female patient came to casualty with complaints of vomitings since 10 days which is non bilious, non projectile, food particles as content. 
C/O pain abdomen since 10 days,insidious onset, intermittent type of pain at left loin associated with giddiness since morning. 
H/O increased urine output since 3 to 4 days ,increased frequency, increased urgency present. 
H/O fever present 
No H/O hematuria
No H/O pyuria
No H/O graveduria 
No H/O previous renal surgeries
H/O constipation present.
N/H/O cold,cough,allergies. 
N/H/O chest pain

Past History -
K/C/O DM type 2 since 5 months ,on irregular medication 
No h/o Hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy ,CVA,CAD

Personal history 
Micturition-Increased urination
Addictions-Alcohol -occasional

Family history-Not significant 

General examination-
Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative and well oriented to time place and person 
No signs of,icterus,cyanosis,clubbing, lymphadenopathy 
Pallor -present 

Vitals -
BP-110/70MM HG

CVS-S1,S2 heard no murmurs 
Abdomen-soft,tenderness present at left iliac region
No organomegaly 
Bowel sounds-Present

urine for ketone bodies-negative 
serum osmolality-285m osm/kg
Troponin I -6.9pg/ml
Urinary chloride-196mmol/l
spot urinary potassium-4.6
Spot urinary sodium -42mmol/l
Hemogram on 9/11
Serum electrolytes on 9/11
rft on 9/11
Serology -Negative 

hemogram on 11/11rft on 11/11
Hemogram on 12/11
rft on 12/11
Hemogram on 13/11
rft on 13/11

2d echoe urine for c/s -no growth seen 
Blood for c/s-no growth seen 

Chest x ray

USG- altered echotexture and increased AP diameter, increased vascularity of left kidney 
Impression-Left pyelonephritis 

Diagnosis-k/C/O DM 2 with left pyelonephritis with dyselectrolemia 

Inpu/output-2000/700ml on 9/11
Input/output -2150/750 ml on 10/11

8am -250mg/dl -12units HAI,8 units nph 
10am -248 mg /dl 
2pm-115 -6 units HAI 
8pm-177 no food taken 
10pm -139
2am -134

8am -163 -6units HAI ,4units nph 

8am-147-6units HAI,4units nph 
10am -175
12pm-113-6units HAI
8pm-344-12units HAI 8units nph 

8am -107mg/dl -6units HAI,4 units nph 
10am -161 mg /dl 
2pm-225 -6units HAI 
8pm-296-6units hai,4units nph given 

8am -146 6units HAI
   4units nph

1:Inj Neomol 1g IV sos if temp >101F
2:IV fluids NS at 100ml /hr
3:Inj Piptaz 4.5gm IV/TID
4:Inj HAI According to GRBS SC/TID(pre meal)
5:Inj -NPH according to GRBS SC/BD
6:Monitor vitals 
7:GRBS monitoring 
8:TAB dolo 650 mg PO/SOS 
9:Inj Kcl 20meq in 500ml NS over 4 to 6 hours ×2 infusions


Q.What are the symptoms  and classic triad of pyelonephritis?

Ans-Pain at left loin region radiating to iliac fossa and suprapubic area
Tenderness and guarding in renal angle 
H/O Increased urination associated with increased frequency and increased urgency 
Burning micturition
Classic triad-loin pan,fever,tenderness over kidneys

Q.What are the investigations done to dignose pyelonephritis?
Ans-1.Hemogram-Show leucocytosis
2.Urine examination-
Microscopy shows pus cells and organisms
Urine C/S- shows growth of causative organism

Q.Management of Acute pyelonephritis?
Ans-Intravenous antibiotics according to growth of organism 

Q.What are the complications of pyelonephritis?
Ans.common in patient of diabetes mellitus or with urinary tract obstruction 
Necrotising papillitis/papillary necrosis -More common in analgesic abuse nephropathy and in sickle cells disease 
Pyonephrosis- rarely the abscesses in kidney in Acute pyelonephritis are extensive this results in inability of abscesses to drain and transforms kidney intlo multilocular sac filled with pus
Perinephric abscess-The abscesses in kidney may extend through capsule of kidney into perinephric tissue and form abscess 

Q.What is the etiopathogenesis of Acute pyelonephritis?
Etiology- infection of lower uti
Mc organisms - E.coli ,Enterobacter,kliebsiella,Pseudmonas and proteus

Ascending infection-Bacteria multiply in urinary bladder and produce asymptomatic bacteriuria and causes urethritis,cystitis ascend further up into ureter,extend into renal pelvis and then to renal cortex 

Hematogenous infection-MC in immunocompromised patients 

Q.What are the morphological features of pyelonephritis?
Gross- enlarged swollen kidney
C/S- small abscesses with heamorrhagic rim 
Microscopic -Acute Inflammation involving interstitium and tubeles.shows large number of neutrophils .

Q.What are the radiological findings of pyelonephritis?
Usg- Altered echotexture and increased vascularity ,increase in size of kidney
CT-perinephric stranding present.,dilated collecting system.

SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) of the patient's case:

She has good support from family 
She recovered very soon with the medication

1. Her financial status
2. She is depressed about her disease 

1. Provision of free testing such as CECT


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