My experience with general cellular and neural cellular pathology In a case blended learning ecosystems

I am M.Vineela posted as an intern in General medicine department. 

"Wherever the art of medicine is loved,there is also a love of humanity."

Hello everyone, through this blog I would like to share my wonderful sojourn In the department of general medicine.

I had started as a timid student in the beginning of my medicine career but now here i am well versed and more confident and have gained some knowledge all thanks to my mentors that is my PGs, my friends and respected HOD sir . 

I would like to take this opportunity to share few of the many cases that I have seen and examined . 

Case 1

Learning points
Causes of AKI
*Pre renal-cardiac failure 
Vascular occlusion

Acute tubular necrosis
Interstitial nephritis 

Post renal-Urinary calculi
Cervical cancer
Prostate cancer

*Measuring JVP 

*Management of AKI
Fluid balance 
Electrolytes balance
Treatment of underlying causes 
If conservative measures fails,dialysis may be necessary 


This is case of methotrexate toxicity causing panctopenia and oral ulcers, allergic contact dermatitis with semicarpus anacardium 

Learning points 

Treatment for methotrexate toxicity-
Folinic acid .-leucovorin rescue 
It bypasses the blocked enzyme I.e DHFR enzyme inhibited by methotrexate and restores folic acid pool.

Case 3

*polyglandular autoimmune syndrome 
*Thryoid examination 

*Per rectal examination 

*complications of blood transfusion 
Hemolytic reactions
Febrile reactions 
Iron overload 

"Learning is never ending process,the saga continues.........."


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