1801006095 Long case

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.                                                                                     

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of  " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan

Chief complaints-

A 30 yr old female presented with chief complaints of weakness since one month,

 vomiting since 3 days  and pain abdomen since  3 days.

History of presenting illness 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1month ago then she developed fever which is sudden in onset , intermittent with no aggrevating and relieving factors associated with  vomiting and diarrhoea.vomitings are non projectile,non bilious,food particles as content ,2-3 times per day for about a week . Diarrhoea which are large volume stools ,watery in consistency,non blood stained,non foul smelling,10 times per day for about a week.she also complaints of lower back pain,localised , insidious onset gradually progressive,dragging type  aggrevates on doing work relieves by rest.No history of trauma to back.  She also complaints of generalized weakness since 1month.                                                                                                                                    Then she visited our hospital and here  diagnosed with anemia with haemoglobin 5.2gm/dl  and advised for admission in the hospital ,but she denied admission and opted for treatment on out patient basis.she is on oral iron supplements since 1 month.                                                                                                                                     At present patient came with  complaints of pain abdomen since 3 days   insidious in onset,diffuse in nature associated with vomiting 3 times per day since day before yesterday containing food particles,non projectile,bilious vomiting not associated with fever.   

           No h/o urgency,hesitancy ,burning micturition.No h/o orthopnea,paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.No h/o bleeding manifestations 


              No similar complaints in the past. Not a k/c/o Hypertension,Diabetes,Asthma, Tuberculosis, Epilepsy,Thyroid abnormalities


          DIET: Mixed 

           Appetite: decreased  

          Bowel and bladder: regular 

          Sleep : Adequate

          No Addictions and No food or drug allergies


                  She is  farmer by occupation.Wakes up at 6AM does her morning routine and drinks a cup of milk daily about 100 ml.Does her breakfast at 9am,packs her lunch  and goes to work.she will have lunch at 1 pm near field.she returns to home at 6 pm and does her household chores and has her dinner by 8 pm ,sleeps at 9pm. 

               But because of these illness now her lifestyle is completely changed she now cannot do any of field work and also she is not able to do her household work too.Her mother who is living with them is doing all her work and helping her.she now used to wakeup at 6 am and does her breakfast and sits for a while but because of backpain she cannot sit for a long time she takes rest. Like this it continuous throughout the day where she sometimes sits,takes rest and has her lunch/dinner.


            No significant family history.Her mother has Diabetes and hypothyroidism since 10 years.

Treatment HISTORY 

 She received blood transfusion during her second pregnancy. 

Drug history 

Iron and folic acid tablets 

Omeprazole ,domperidone 


Vitamin supplements 

Nutritional history:

24hr recall method

Mrng at 7am drinks cup of milk and small cup of tea.

Brrakfast -2cups of rice with dal

Lunch-2cups of rice with dal

At 5pm drinks a cup of tea

Dinner at 8pm-1cups of rice with dal

Total daily intake-approximatly 2500kcal per day.


         She attained menarche at 14 years, uses 2 clothes per day (5/30 ) 

Regular cycles, flow is for 5 days , associated with clots and pain.

Marital history:

Age of marriage at 2009 (16)yrs, non consanginous marriage

Obstetric history:

 P2L2 - has 2 children 2 boys , c-section,As per her wish,immunized as per schedule.
1st child- 13 years(2010)(17) born
During 2nd pregnancy she had a transfusion done at 9month for anemia.
2nd child- 9 years(2014)(21) born admitted in NICU (lbw).
Breastfed after 1 day


         By taking prior consent.she was examined in a well lit room .

        Patient was consious,coherent,cooperative.he is poorly built and malnourished and well oriented to time place and person.

Pallor: PRESENT 

Icterus: Absent 




Lymphadenopathy: Absent 

Edema :Absent


Pulse rate : 80 bpm,regular rhythm normal volume .

Respiratory Rate: 15Cycles/min 

Blood pressure: 110/80mm hg in right arm examined in sitting position.

Temp:98.6 F

SPO2: 99%@ RA


Inspection - 

          Umbilicus - inverted
          All quadrants moving equally with respiration
      LSCS  transverse scar is seen over the supra pubic region,hyperpigmented.
        No   sinuses and engorged veins , visible pulsations. 
         Hernial orifice are free
Palpation -  no local rise of temperature
    Diffuse tenderness is seen over abdomen.
No rebound tenderness
     no palpable spleen and liver

Percussion - live dullness is heard at 5th intercoastal space

Auscultation- normal bowel sounds heard. 


Inspection : 
  • Shape of chest- elliptical 
  • No engorged veins, scars, visible pulsation 
Palpation :
  •  Apex beat can be palpable in 5th inter costal space
  • No thrills and parasternal heaves can be felt
Auscultation : 

  • S1,S2 are heard
  • no murmurs



Shape- elliptical 

B/L symmetrical , 

Both sides moving equally with respiration .

No scars, sinuses, engorged veins, pulsations 


Trachea - central

Expansion of chest is symmetrical. 

Vocal fremitus - normal

Percussion: resonant bilaterally 


 bilateral air entry present. Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.


Conscious,coherent and cooperative 

Speech- normal

No signs of meningeal irritation. 

Cranial nerves- intact

Sensory system- normal 

Motor system:

Tone- normal

Power- bilaterally 5/5

Reflexes: Right.     Left. 

Biceps.      ++.          ++

Triceps.    ++.          ++

Supinator ++.         ++

Knee.         ++.         ++

Ankle        ++.         ++


Normal function

No meningeal signs were present 



2.peripheral smear:

RBC: predominantly Microcytic Hypochromic with few macrocytes,pencil forms.

WBC: Increased counts on smear. 

Platelet: Adequate.

3.Reticulocyte count:1.8%

4.Stool for occult blood: Negative

5. Chest xray

7.Blood urea: 25mg/dl 

8.serum creatinine-0.6 mg/dl


10.serum electrolytes
Potassium-5.4 mEq/dl


Acute Gastritis resolved with dimorphic anemia with  right sided small kidney.


IV fluids ns 75ml/hr 

INJ pan 40 mg/ IV /od 

INJ Zofer 4mg/IV 

INJ optineuron 1 amp in 500ml  ns/ IV/od 

T.PCM 650 mg   od 

Syp.Sucralfate 10ml/tid 

Syp. Cremaffin citrate 15ml 

INJ vitkofol 1000mcg/IM/od 

T.orofer xt/po/od


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