
Showing posts from November, 2023


 Hello,I am M.Vineela from 2k18 batch. In this blog I would like to share my experiences and learning procedures in  medicine department . I am posted from October 1 to November 30 in medicine department.  For the first 15 days,I.e from 1 to 15  I was posted in psychiatry patient. Case history Chief complaints  According to patient - Pain in scrotum since 6 months Belief that everyone is talking about him since 6 months  According to informant -ABNORMAL behavior in form of irritability ,frequent anger outbursts,suspiciousness on family members and strangers HOPI-He was apparently asymptomatic 6 months ago when all of sudden he came home from his workplace at Hyderabad and said to  his parents that he lost his job and fell in love with girl there who didn't feel the same way where he ended up getting hurt in scrotum .From then he has been very highly irritable ,gets angry and goes to hit family members and always has suspicion that he is being talked about and someone is trying to h

My experience with general cellular and neural cellular pathology In a case blended learning ecosystems

I am M.Vineela posted as an intern in General medicine department.  "Wherever the art of medicine is loved,there is also a love of humanity." Hello everyone, through this blog I would like to share my wonderful sojourn In the department of general medicine. I had started as a timid student in the beginning of my medicine career but now here i am well versed and more confident and have gained some knowledge all thanks to my mentors that is my PGs, my friends and respected HOD sir .  I would like to take this opportunity to share few of the many cases that I have seen and examined .  Case 1 Learning points Causes of AKI *Pre renal-cardiac failure  Sepsis Vascular occlusion Renal-Glomerulonpehritis Acute tubular necrosis Interstitial nephritis  Post renal-Urinary calculi BPH Cervical cancer Prostate cancer *Measuring JVP  *Management of AKI Fluid balance  Electrolytes balance Tre

Evidence based date wise workflow logs collated by the intern with clickable and verifiable links

Case 1 [21/11, 11:02] Vineela: 21/11/23 ICU  Vitals  Bp-160/90 mm hg Pr-98bpm Rr -20cpm Temp-99.4 F GRBS-87MG/dl  I/O-2000/100ml Examination  RS-BLAE ,NVBS CNS-NFND CVS-S1 S2 heard no murmurs  P/A-Soft  NT Diagnosis-Type 2 DM,K/C/O  CAD S/P CABG I 2020,K/C/O HTN,AKI on CKD ,Diabetic foot ulcer ,candidial intertrigo +frictional dermatitis Treatment- 1.Oxygen inhalation to maintain saturation greater than 95% 2.Injection Meropenem 1gm IV/BD (12th hrly) 3.Injection linezolid 600mg IV/BD(12th hrly) 4.Tab ecospirin 75mg od 5.Ryles feeds-100ml water-2nd hrly                           50ml milk 3th hrly 6. TAB clopidogrel 75mg RT /OD  7.TAB Atorvastatin 40mg RT/OD 8.Inj Dopamine infusion 2.5mg/min/ 9.inj pcm 1g IV/SOS 10.Inj pantop 40mg IV/OD BBF  11.TAB Pcm 650mg po/8hrly 12.TAB Acebrophylline 100mg rt/12 hrly 13.TAB Nodosis 500mg rt/bd 14.TAB Shelcal CT rt/od 15.Cap BIOD3 RT/Once a week 16.TAB Orofer xt RT/od 17.nebulisation with IPRAVENT 6 hourly,BUDECORT 8 hourly  18.TAB ENOXAPARIN 60mg S